Lockdown Projects diary - part 3


5 and a half months in (or there abouts) and I have gotten myself a new job, which I start this Wednesday (9 Sept 2020). So I am finally able to see the back of the furlough and the isolation that it brings.

If you are starting here, feel free to go back and see the previous two sections filled with projects completed during the lockdown:

  1. first 8 weeks
  2. second 8 weeks

Thanks to everyone that has taken an interest in my projects. I do hope at least some of you found them useful in some way.

Enjoy, and sayonara.

Hackday style projects

Precious metal price tracker

As the economies of the world look to be in trouble investing in Gold and Silver as a hedge might be a good call. So I built a little desktop RaspberryPI precious metal price tracker.

The Raspberry Pi Zero W is coupled with an InkyPhat three color E-Paper display, and runs a small configurable Go program on a cron to update the display periodically with the selected metal and currency.

The project is free to use and is available on my Github with necessary instructions

Heavy Metal Price Tracker

Golang for Web Games???

Golang Games

Did you know that Golang compiles to WebAssembly? I didn't, but when I found out I had to make a game with Go that ran in the browser!

This is quite a big thing, I for all the months I've been doing Go it simply passed me by, but this is BIG! So hopefully this (dreadful) game I have made will put you on the path to the future of web development.

In classic British humour, if you can't laugh at a bad situation then you have already lost. So I have made an RPG game where you get to fight the Corona virus and save the NHS.

It is written in Go, using the Ebiten 2D game library. The game code can be found at my Github although it really is a hack project so you may be better off learning from the Ebiten examples :-)

You can play the game right here, right now! It has sound too!

VaxerMan - The Corona Virus slayer

Protect the NHS from the Corona Virus

Use the arrow keys to move player, and Spacebar to fire. 'r' resets the game:

Definately the Outro

Absolute Final thoughts, no ifs-no buts

All of the 5 months worth of projects have been very fun to make and I hope you have enjoyed them, but now I get to put it all behind me and return to normal. But I am so happy to returning to the workforce and being a productive member of society once again.

Well, that's all folks.

